Give to a
cause bigger than life
Thank you for your interest in our non-profit foundation. Our vision is to turn our tragedy into making the goals and dreams of young individuals their reality. Our mission is to better the lives of youth locally here in Bakersfield CA and make dreams possible through scholarships for those pursuing a college degree. We truly appreciate your consideration in having a vested interest in our goal to create change for the lives of youth in our local community. Our founder would like to personally thank you for carrying on Devin’s Legacy.
About Devin
“I didn't know him personally but… he was just the kindest and most respectful person. He would go out of his way to make sure students who had disabilities felt included and helped them out” Jackie
“Always super nice, had the funniest jokes with perfect timing, and had the most contagious laugh ever!! I distinctly remember his sweet and gentle personality and infectious generosity.” - Mattea